Brand Development | Brand Copywriter
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Third Rock Ventures
Pliant Therapeutics
League of Oregon Cities
Third Rock Ventures
Categories: B2B, Finance, Startup, Biotech
Agency lead: Struck
Deliverables: Brand narrative, voice and tone, key messages, website copy
Impact: Creative agency Struck asked me to jump in on brand development for Third Rock Ventures as part of an identity refresh.
The Struck team had already conducted stakeholder interviews, crafted audience personas, and honed in on a brand strategy. My role was to collaborate with the designer and other project stakeholders to bring life to the brand. In my review, I noticed the outdated TRV storytelling was missing something vital: the why. Their existing "Discover. Launch. Build." messaging described what the venture capitalists do and how, but it didn't inspire.
I added "Transform" to the identity and wrote a brand narrative that shares the company's excitement for scientific discovery and the passion for people that drives every business and investment decision they make. To finalize the brand ID package, I defined the brand voice and tone and wrote key messages. While the Struck team designed the new website pages, I wrote new copy to carry the updated brand into messaging throughout the website. Now the website design and copy are aligned with the bold and energetic brand.
Pliant Therapeutics
Categories: B2B, Startup, Biotech
Agency lead: Struck
Impact: After its successful IPO in June 2020, biotech company Pliant Therapeutics approached Struck. It was time to level up the now-public company’s brand messaging and online presence. After taking a deep dive into the audience and competitor research compiled by my Struck colleagues, I crafted a brand narrative that drew inspiration from the founders’ commitment to finding cures to treat fibrosis. The company executives chose the dark blue and bright yellow color palette option: the perfect frame for a brand narrative about explorers navigating. I edited existing copy and wrote new copy that infused the new site with the voice, tone, and language aligned with the brand narrative.
League of Oregon Cities
Categories: B2B, Public Sector
Agency lead: happy, inc.
Deliverables: Brand strategy, voice and tone, messaging matrix, public announcement
Impact: For nearly 100 years, the League of Oregon Cities has been providing advocacy, trainings, information, and services to municipal leaders. Wanting to position itself to reach a new generation of public servants, the LOC turned to happy, inc. for a new brand identity, messaging, and website.
I wore two hats on this project: senior copywriter and strategist. In close collaboration, my happy, inc. creative director and I crafted the questions for both qualitative and quantitative research, conducted stakeholder interviews, and presented findings to the LOC. After synthesizing the findings into a strategy, I then wrote the brand messaging matrix, and announcement introducing the new brand to the organization’s membership.